

FRC Robotics - Oyster River Overdrive (FRC 8410)

Actively Participating in the software team in FRC Team 8410. Developed a base program for the team's swerve drive (See on GitHub). Template is updated for the FRC 2024 season, Crescendo. The template is meant for a MAXSwerve Drivetrain (By REV Robotics) and a has an IMU of the NAVX (By Kauii Labs).

Couture Cypher

A dual caesar cypher made by hand to encrypt strings in python. The cypher is encoded with specific times of the processes so that no message is ever encoded alike. (See more GitHub).


Selenium-Interfaced integration made to help high school students with time management. Programmed almost entirely in python with a batch file integration into student laptops makes it accessible via hot keys, taskbars and desktop. The program takes student grades then calculates and produces an answer of how the student should spend their time studying

Sentiment Analysis Program

Program made to detect hostilty or happiness and can measure it's own feelings on a scale of 1 to 10. Program runs off of a select list of predetermined words and it will add to it's vocabulary for words it doesn't know.

Portfolio Website

Designed and built a responsive portfolio website showcasing various web development projects and skills.